Oral-B All Rounder Black Tooth Brush

Regular price ₦1,000.00

Product Description

The Oral-B All Rounder Black Toothbrush is a high-quality oral care product that is designed to provide a superior clean for your teeth and gums. Its bristles are arranged in a circular pattern, which allows them to reach all areas of the mouth and effectively remove plaque and debris.
The black color of the bristles is due to the presence of activated charcoal, which is known for its ability to absorb and remove surface stains on teeth. This toothbrush is suitable for all types of teeth and gums and is especially effective for those with sensitive teeth and gums.
The Oral-B All Rounder Black Toothbrush also features a comfortable handle and a compact head, which makes it easy to maneuver and reach all areas of the mouth. It is also durable and long-lasting, making it a cost-effective option for maintaining good oral hygiene.

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